
Piping geometry can be divided into spools—a spool is a group of connected objects that are prefabricated as a single unit. If the active geometry is divided into spools, then the prefabrication drawings of different spools can be made by choosing Annotate Spool instead of Annotate Isometric.

Spool generation rules

Project administrator defines the rules that divide the isometric groups of the project into spools, as described in Spool generation rule, and designers are not supposed to change these rules. Usually valves have no spool number and flanged connection or the boundary where the System or Pipeline changes is used as generation rule. To change the generation rules, select Documents > Piping Isometrics > Tools > Options.

Local and global changes in spools

Choose Only Local Changes if you do not want the program to report a change in the case that the whole spool has moved to a new location but nothing inside the spool has changed. This requires also that only local coordinate values are used in spool drawings.